PAC- Planning and Advisory Connection
What is PAC?
The Pac is a group of NEOD family members who meet to discuss the various seasonal activities and volunteer needs of the studio. Last year the PAC coordinated the Scare on the Square, Candlelight Walk, Blue Tip Parade, and other fun activities throughout the year. We also determined volunteer needs for performances. As a member of the PAC, you are NOT expected to DO all of these activities. We just help coordinate them!
Who is PAC for?
ALL families of dancers at NEOD are automatically members of the PAC. We encourage family members of dancers of ALL ages to get involved! Families who participate in the PAC report feeling more involved in the happenings around NEOD.
Why does NEOD have PAC?
As a non-profit studio, NEOD relies on the support of the PAC to ensure the continued existence of our programs of training and performances. The PAC plays an integral role in supporting the mission of NEOD.
What does PAC do?
The PAC coordinates volunteer needs for NEOD including: * Nutcracker * Spring Gala * Recital * Community events (e.g. Blue Tip Parade) * Additionally, the PAC arranges fundraisers on behalf of the studio, such as: * Dine to donate events (e.g., Casa Del Rio, Applebee’s) * Shopping events (e.g., 5 Below)
What are some of the volunteer needs around performances?
Selling items before performances and at intermission such as: Dance-a-grams, boutique items, and raffles
Taking tickets and handing out programs
Backstage assistants during performances
Setting up and tearing down the stage But, remember, the PAC coordinates the volunteer needs. We do not do all the volunteer work on our own!
Are there non-performance opportunities that the PAC does to support the studio?
Yes, PAC members can assist with supporting the studio directly including: * Minor studio repairs or updates * Helping with the website or social media * Helping with office work to support our office manager
How often does PAC meet?
Meetings are held once a month throughout the school year
Who do I contact for more information?
The PAC is coordinated by a president and a vice-president who are here to help!
Heather Donley (President)
Alexis Stewart (Vice-President)
You can also get information or ask questions in the studio’s office at or 330-336-6640 or with Mrs. Stuart.
Watch the monthly newsletter for PAC activities and meeting dates.